whole systems design solutions for

businesses, organizations and projects

whole system design solutions for businesses, organizations, and projects

triple bottom line =

passion x purpose x prosperity

'Triple Bottom Line’ is a term coined by a regenerative design system known as Permaculture, and is the principle of taking care of people, planet, and profit – as the Bottom Line in the majority of businesses are ONLY concerned with profits.

Here at TBL we design social systems with these Pillars in mind (and heart), and trust when people are aligned with their passion + purpose – then oftentimes, they are also taking care of themselves, their community, and the planet.

how do we create this magic??

how do we create

this magic??

some of these links are courses/trainings we have gone through - you are

invited to learn these skills yourself, or work with TBL to do them for you!

access our playbook

for prosperous passions

✨ comes with a masterclass to clarify your

vision and bring it to fruition ✨

Triple Bottom Line is a Private Membership Marketing Association